The ADHD Symptom and Side Efect Tracking - Baseline Scale (ASSET-BS) is a 10-item, 2-subscale measure developed by the MedaData team. The scale assesses current ADHD symptoms using a six-point, Likert-type rating scale (1 = no problem present; 6 = severe impact). Specifically, it assesses how strongly problems with Inattention and problems with Hyperactivity/Impulsivity affect one’s daily life.

The Validation Study

Development and validation of the ADHD Symptom and Side Effect Tracking - Baseline Scale (ASSET-BS): a novel short screening measure for ADHD in clinical populations

Joel L. Young1,2, Richard N. Powell1*, Celeste Zabel3 , Jaime Saal1 , Lisa L. M. Welling4 , Jillian Fortain1 and Ashley Ceresnie

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The Tool


Please indicate on the scale from 1 to 6 how strongly problems with each of the following impact your daily life functioning. Daily life functioning includes activities such as recreation, relationships, work, family, household chores, etc.

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